Ohio Field Guides for Nature Enthusiasts
Are you looking for a pocket guide to take afield to help identify your nature love interests?
The advancement of technology and development of apps on smartphones has quickly strangled interest in fields guides. Dependence on smart(whatever) to identify flora and fauna in the outdoors has made everyone “experts” yet fewer have ambition to learn proper identification skills.
You know, your smartphone app may be wrong!
Now, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in conjunction with the Ohio Division of Wildlife have developed these very helpful field guides for you:
Consider helping fund these field guides by:
- Purchasing a Specialty License Plate
- Purchasing an Ohio Wildlife Legacy Stamp
- Specifying a donation amount on your Ohio IT 1040 Individual Tax Return Form (see line 26)

About Dave Duell
Outdoorsman, conservationist, forester, father, husband, and Christian: Dave Duell owns and manages Legacy Land and Wildlife LLC and provides conservation and forestry services and guidance to Pennsylvania and Ohio. It's his passion to assist and educate land owners and other outdoors enthusiasts about the importance of being a good steward of their land and the wildlife therein. Learn more about Dave and Legacy Land & Wildlife by clicking here.

Legacy Land & Wildlife LLC is your resource for forestry, conservation, and land & wildlife stewardship. Based in Eastern Ohio, we provide services to Ohio, Pennsylvania, and beyond.