Forestry Resources
Forest Stewardship
Forest management takes a lot of time and thought. These resources will help equip you with an understanding of management systems and principles to implement on your land.
- Forest Stewardship Terminology – Penn State Extension
- Crop Tree Management – Ohio State Extension
- The How and Why of Timber Stand Improvement – Pennsylvania Woodlands
- Timber Stand Improvement in Ohio Woodlands – Ohio State Extension
- Principles of Silviculture – Pennsylvania Woodlands
- Managing Small Woodlots – Penn State Extension
- Hardwood Management for Economic Return – Pennsylvania Woodlands
- Knight, Gardner: What does a forester do? – East Oregonian
Young Forest Habitat
Young forest habitat is essential for healthy forests and wildlife populations. These resources will give you an understanding of the importance young forest and the role in plays in forest and wildlife management.
- The Benefits of Young Forest Habitat – Penn State Extension
- Young Forest Guide – Wildlife Management Institute
- Talking About Young Forests – Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Tree & Shrub Identification
You will find some helpful tree identification resources below. The books are excellent to use as a field reference guides while the websites can serve as a complement to the books.
Recommended Books
The Tree Identification Book by George W.D. Symonds, Photographs by Stephen Chelminski
The Shrub Identification Book by George W.D. Symonds, Photographs by A.W. Merwin
Dichotomous Key – Virginia Tech Dendrology
What Tree is That? – Arbor Day Foundation
Basics of Tree ID – Virginia Tech
Forest Stand Dynamics
Every tree has specific growth needs and patterns; therefore, every forest develops according to the trees within its boundaries.
Timber Harvesting
Harvesting trees is an integral part of land management. Strategic timber harvests promote efficient and productive forests.
Stream Management
Water quality is an essential aspect of proper stewardship. Land management practices should include best management practices (BMP’s) in order to maintain the integrity of clean water.
Ohio Forestry
Find some resources here that covers forestry in Ohio.